Walking causes a repetitive, spontaneous poetry to rise naturally to the lips, words as simple as the sound of footsteps on the road. There also seems to be an echo of walking in the practice of two choruses singing a psalm in alternate verses, each on a single note, a practice that makes it possible to chant and listen by turns. Its main effect is one of repetition and alternation that St Ambrose compared to the sound of the sea: when a gentle surf is breaking quietly on the shore the regularity of the sound doesn’t break the silence, but structures it and renders it audible. Psalmody in the same way, in the to-and-fro of alternating responses, produces (Ambrose said) a happy tranquillity in the soul. The echoing chants, the ebb and flow of waves recall the alternating movement of walking legs: not to shatter but to make the world’s presence palpable and keep time with it. And just as Claudel said that sound renders silence accessible and useful, it ought to be said that walking renders presence accessible and useful. Anonymous
About This Quote

Walking is a very good way to get the body moving. Walking helps the body to get rid of toxins, which is important for many people. When you are walking you are also getting your heart pumping because you are taking in oxygen and using oxygen. It "keeps the body in tune" so to speak.

Walking is also a very good way to release tension. Walking can help you feel better in your own skin. It's important because walking will help you feel good about yourself when you are walking it can give you a sense of accomplishment when walking because it means that you are doing something good for your body.

Source: A Philosophy Of Walking

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